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Photography Apature




Aperture can be a difficult concept for people to grasp when they're learning how their camera works, but it's pretty simple once you understand it. 

Take a second to look at your lens, can you see the opening where light comes through? When you adjust your aperture settings, you'll see that opening get bigger and smaller. 

The larger the opening, or wider the aperture, the more light you let in with each exposure.

Aperture is represented in f-stops. 

A lower number, like f/1.8, denotes a wider aperture, and a higher number, like f/22, denotes a narrower aperture. 

(Lenses are usually marked with their widest possible aperture.)

 If you see a lens that is a 50mm f/1.8, this means it's widest aperture is f/1.8. The aperture can always be set to be more narrow, but it won't be able to go wider than f/1.8.

 The important thing to remember is that a wide aperture, like f/1.8, lets in more light and provides a shallow depth of field (meaning less of the photo appears in focus). A narrow aperture, like f/22, provides deeper focus but lets in less light

Amanda Deane2 Comments