Why More Music:
Research shows piano students are better equipped to comprehend mathematical and scientific concepts.
Reference: Neurological Research February 28, 1997
Music training helps underachievers: Researchers find arts training not only raises scholastic performance, but also improves student behavior and attitude.
Reference: Nature May 23, 1996
Studying piano boosts students math achievement
Reference: Neurological Research March, 1999
The College Entrance Examination Board reports, "Students of the arts continue to outperform their non-arts peers on the SAT(R). In 1998, SAT takers with coursework/experience in music performance scored 52 points higher on the verbal portion of the test and 37 points higher on the math portion than students with no coursework/experience in the arts." Reference: Profile of SAT and Achievement Test Takers,
The 1996 report observed, "Those who studied the arts four or more years scored 59 points higher and 41 points higher on the verbal and math portions respectively than students with no coursework or experience in the arts." The College Board, compiled by Music Educators National Conference, 1998, 1996.
According to a study conducted at the University of Texas, college-aged music students have fewer problems with alcohol, are emotionally healthier, and concentrate better than their non-musical counterparts.
Reference: Houston Chronicle, January 11, 1998
Here is why:
DANCE IS AN ALLY for developing many of the attributes of a growing child.
Physical Development: DANCE INVOLVES motion, coordination, strength and endurance.
DANCE PROMOTES psychological health aS WELL AS maturity.
DANCE MOLDS social encounterS, interactionS, and cooperation.
DANCE HELPS provide the cognitive loop between the idea, problem, or intent and the outcome or solution.
DANCE INTERGRATES kinesthetic learning with understanding.
DANCE ASSISTS in helping children develop literacy.
DANCE PROVIDES young children multiple perspective 2.
We Dance. We Play
Self-Confidence: Being able to go from learning notes and rhythms to producing meaningful music instills in your child a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence.
Coordination: Hand, eye, body posture and thought all working together are the ingredients of playing an instrument. These coordination skills transfer to many other aspects of life.
Teamwork: Every child wants to be part of a group. Theory and musicianship classes, in addition to group performances and recitals provide just such unique opportunities.
Comprehension: Learning to perceive and derive meaning from musical sounds sharpens your child's ability to comprehend abstractions.
Problem-Solving: Learning the basics of musical language and interpreting a work through performance teaches your child the ability to understand a problem and reach an appropriate solution.
Discipline: Learning all of the basics of music and applying them correctly takes perception and discipline.
Art Appreciation: The words beauty, serenity and excitement come to life with each musical experience. These feelings help every child appreciate all forms of the arts.
Logical Reasoning: When your child learns to analyze a musical work from all perspectives or to improvise within a certain musical style, both inductive and deductive reasoning grows stronger.
Communication: Music offers the ability to cultivate our feelings and thoughts through nonverbal means and to respond to these nonverbal thoughts in others.
Conceptualization: Your child learns to classify by learning to identify different types and styles of music and to recognize how cultures use music for personal expression.
Making Value Judgments: Learning to comprehend, consider and evaluate in music can help your child make informed decisions and uphold value judgments in other aspects of life.
Using Symbols: Learning to read, write and interpret musical notation strengthens the use of other symbol systems such as mathematics and language.
1, seattlemusicanddance: benefitsofstudingmusicand dance. 2. ndeo.org 3.